How To Make A Fleece Blanket With A Boat Motif
Having a nice fleece blanket is always lovely to keep you cosy on a winter's night. Or it can be fun to sit on in the sunshine on a lovely summer's day. A homemade fleece blanket is also great for decorating your room or bed.
Here we are making a blue fleece blanket with a boat motif. But if girls prefer, they can easily make a pink fleece blanket.
What do we need to make a fleece blanket with a boat motif
- 150cm or 5 feet square of fleece fabric
- Scissors
- A boat design, we cut ours from cotton fabric
- Iron on glue webbing
- Embroidery thread in a different colour
- Double knitting wool
- Large needle
Start Cutting The Fleece Blanket
Step One
First we need to make sure our blanket edges are neat and tidy. Most fabrics have an edge called a selvedge. This is part of the manufacturing process. Cut off the selvedge of the fleece fabric if there is an unusual edge.
Now we need to cut all the corners into curves. You can cut the curve freehand or use a small plate from the kitchen to draw a curves at all the corners of the fleece blanket.
Cut Out The Boat Motif For Our Fleece Blanket
Step Two
Next, we can get our boat motif ready. Find some fun cotton fabric and cut out a simple boat motif shape. Search boat shape template on the internet to find some simple boat designs.
Now we can use the iron-on webbing to glue the boat motif in place. Follow the webbing instructions. But place strips of webbing between the boat motif and the fleece blanket.
Ask an adult to use a hot iron to press the motif so the webbing melts and glues the fabric together.
Sew Down The Boat Motif To The Fleece Blanket
Step Three
The webbing we ironed down is used to just to hold the boat motif design in place. We can now thread a needle with the embroidery thread and carefully sew around the edge using a blanket stitch.
Basically a blanket stitch means you go in the front and out the back and up and back out one stitch along. But before you go back in the front again, you just hook the dangling thread. It's simple, have a go and see if you can get the blanket stitch effect.
How To Finish Our Fleece Blanket With A Boat Motif
Step Four
Finally, we want to make a really nice edge to our fleece blanket with a boat motif. So around the edge we are going to fold over the edge. Fold over the edge by about 2cms or three quarters of an inch.
You can now pin the edge to hold the hem. Or just fold it over as you sew. Thread the needle with knitting wool and finally sew another blanket stitch all the way around the edge of the blanket. The stitches should be about 1 to 2cms apart, or half to three quarters inches apart.
Congratulations, you have now completed your fleece blanket project. Hopefully you will get years of use out of it. And every time you use it, you will be able to tell everyone you made your fleece blanket with a boat motif all by yourself.
Although, be careful, they will probably want one too.