Oh Dear, a Sock Puppet Can Get Very Silly
Ha ha! I'm laughing just thinking about how silly my sock dog puppet is. If you want to make anyone laugh, make a sock puppet and learn a funny joke.
Here's a joke:
"Why did the golfer wear two pairs of socks?"
"In case he got a hole in one!"
Fun for children and adults, puppets made from socks, are the best, as most of the work is already done. We just get to do the fun bit of decorating.
What do we need to make a sock puppet?
- A long sock
- Sewing thread
- Googly eyes
- Glue
- Some cord for the whiskers
- Scraps of black and pink felt
- Scissors
- Sewing needle
Making Some Sock Puppet Ears
Step One
First we need to operate. Turn your sock inside out.
Flatten out the heal area width ways. We are going to cut a triangle piece out like the picture above. Then when we sew it closed we will be left with two little pointy ears.
So make sure you are cutting your triangle the right way. Width wise.
Flatten the heel, then cut the triangle out. Then ask an adult for help to stitch up the cut edges. Now we can turn the sock back the right way.
If we have done it right we should have two little pointy ears.
Make A Sock Puppet Mouth
Step Two
Now our sock is the right way round again, we can make a mouth.
Push the tip of the toe of the sock inside itself. Fold it inside itself a little bit to make a mouth shape.
Now use some thread, that has been doubled, to sew a running stitch along the edge of the fold. We are going to pull this thread to make the mouth pucker up.
So sew your running stitch in and out. And when you have gone all the way around, gently pull it to make the mouth more closed. Secure the end of the thread by sewing a knot.
Remember, ask an adult for help with the sewing, it can be a bit fiddly.
Decorate Our Sock Puppet
Step Three
Now our sock puppet is really starting to take shape.
Glue or sew on the googly eyes. Then at the top of the mouth sew on some strands of cord. These will be whiskers.
Add A Sock Puppet Nose
Step Four
Oh dear, this is getting good now.
Next our sock puppet needs a sniffer. Cut a triangle from black felt and sew it in place. Use the triangle of black felt to cover where you sewed the whiskers on. This makes the finished sock puppet look neater.
Finish Our Sock Puppet With A Tongue
Step Five
Finally, our doggy puppet needs a funny long tongue. Cut out a tongue shape from pink felt. Stitch the tongue in place at the bottom of the mouth.
And there we have it! Oh no, I'm going to start laughing again thinking of all the silly things my sock puppet says.
Remember, you can make any sock puppet character you like. And you can decorate it any way you like. The pattern on the sock might help you decide what character your sock puppet might have.