Instruments Are Fun To Make And Kids Will Love Them
This is one of the simplest musical instruments you can make. And it's super fun to play with. Sing along to your favourite song and play with this fun, simple paper plate tambourine.
It makes a great jingle and also rattles too. It's almost two instruments in one.
What do we need to make a tambourine for kids?
- 2 drinking straws
- 2 paper plates
- Stickers
- Felt tip pens
- Cord
- Little bells, we used 16
- Lengths of ribbon
- Basic paper craft tools
How To Make A Tambourine
Step One
We are going to use the straws to make a little rattle between the two plates of our paper plate tambourine. You don't have to use straws maybe try something else. Straws are light, but you could try dried beans or similar.
Snip the straw into little pieces. Pop one plate on the table and put the straws in the plate. Now place the other plate on top upside down to make a little plate container.
Start Making The Tambourine Rattle
Step Two
Staple all around the edges of the plates. Stapling them together to seal them.
Now punch holes all around the edge and make sure they are evenly spaced. Now you can start decorating your paper plate tambourine.
Cover the plates with the round stickers.
Finish Making The Tambourine With Decorations
Step Three
Now you can add a few more decorations around the stickers using the felt tips pens. You can, of course, decorate your fun paper plate tambourine any way you like.
Once you have finished with the felt tip pens and stickers, we can add the bells.
Thread the cord in and out of the holes around the edge. As you thread the cord through each hole, make sure to add a bell as you go. When you get to the end, tie the cord off.
Finally to finish our tambourine, thread more ribbons through one of the holes and tie them off too.
Now all you have to do, is find a fun song and play along to it. Make more fun tambourines for your friends and start a little band.