Mango and Lime Body Butter is Devine
Mango butter is used in this lotion and many other skincare products because of its softening and moisturising properties. The Mango butter comes from pressing the mango fruit and although it is good enough to eat, it list this body butter to the next level. You could use other soft butters like apricot, olive or avocado but the adding the mango butter to the lime produces a very decadent and summery body butter.
The other butters used, the cocoa and the shea butters have very softening and smoothing effects also but they are slightly stiffer. So substituting these butters would affect the overall texture of the finished mango and lime body butter.
Cocoa butter is obviously mainly used in the food industry. You can get different grades that smell less like chocolate if that is not your thing. But I love the chocolatey smell.
When you buy shea butter make a note of if it is unrefined and unfiltered. This style of shea butter goes off quicker than the filtered version. So I always just buy the filtered version so I can feel safer that it will last a little longer.
Adding the vitamin E antioxidant will also help with the life of the finished product but I am sure you will use it all up well before it even starts going off. It's just that lovely.
Ingredients for Mango and Lime Body Butter
- 10g beeswax or jojoba wax
- 25g cocoa butter
- 30g shea butter
- 25g mango butter
- 1 teaspoon or 5ml of almond oil
- 1 teaspoon or 5ml of vitamin E
- 10 drops of lime essential oil
- 5 drops of orange essential oil
- 5 drops lemon essential oil
- double boiler
- metal spoon
- 100ml jar
How Do We Start Making Mango and Line Body Butter?
Step One
First, we take our double boiler and we need to start melting the following ingredients in it. Add into the double boiler the beeswax, the shea butter and cocoa butter and finally add the mango butter.
Heat all the ingredients until they are thoroughly melted and mixed. Now leave the ingredients on a gently heat for 20 minutes. This will really help prevent the mango and lime body butter going grainy when cooled.
Continue Adding The Last Ingredients To Our Mango and Lime Body Butter
Step Two
Now we can add in the vitamin e and almond oil. Keep heating for several minutes more until everything is combined and melted.
Add The Essential Oils To Our Mango and Lime Body Butter
Step Three
Now we can remove the mixture from the heat. Now we will add in the essential oils. Finally stir thoroughly for several minutes.
Finish Making The Mango and Lime Body Butter
Step Four
Finally, all we need to do is very carefully pour the still warm mango and lime body butter into our jar. Then simply leave it to cool to room temperature and set up.
How Do We Use The Mango and Lime Body Butter?
Well when you make this wonderful body butter you are, of course, going to be only thinking one thing. Holidays!
So make it before you go away and keep it handy for relaxing at the end of the day. It is best to apply this body butter to damp skin so have a nice bath and apply it afterwards before you are totally dry.
It is especially effective in areas that need more attention and moisturising like elbows, knees and feet. But it is very rich, so a little goes a long way.
I know you will love making this skincare product and also enjoy using it. Let me know your feedback in the comments below.