How To Make Pebble Pets
If you can find some funny or silly or crazy looking pebbles and rocks. You can make some fun pebble pets. Often a weird looking pebble will show us what funny animal or person we want to make. Find pebbles in your garden or on the beach or in the woods.
Pebbles with holes already look like they have a little mouth or eyes or smile. We can add more details including hair and arms and feet to make some really cute pebble creatures.
What do we need to make pebble friends?
- Pebbles
- Felt in different colours
- Glue
- Scissors
- White paper
- Felt tip pens in different colours
How To Start Making Pebble Pets
Step One
First we need to look at our pebbles and start thinking about what sort of characters are they. What pebble creatures are we going to make? Maybe they could just be strange animals, or monsters or aliens from a world far, far away. We could give them funny names too.
So now take your felt and start to cut out shapes for feet and arms. Now also cut out any other details your silly pebble pet might have. Like horns or wings or funny hair.
Now Let's Give Our Pebble Pets Some Eyes
Step Two
Next cut some circles from the white paper. These will be the pebble pet's eyes. Then use a dark coloured pen and draw a little dot in the centre of the white paper circle.
Finally glue the paper eyes onto your pebbles.
Keep Decorating Our New Little Pets Made From Pebbles
Step Three
Now continue to add more and more details to your little pets. Glue on the arms and feet and any funny hair if you have it. You may have to hold the glue until it start to dry.
Finish Making Your Own Pebble Pets
Step Four
Finally, our funny pebble pets are nearly finished. You can add other things to your pebble pets. Maybe a little stick for a walking stick or pipe cleaners for a scarf. Maybe a little hat or maybe make a little cardboard box house for your pebble pets to sit in.
Please add pictures of your pebble pets to your own studio, then comment below. We can search your studio name and see you pictures.