How To Make A Flower Ice Bowl
Really, you must try this at least once. What a fun project to do on a warm summer's day, when you are going to have a party or are just hanging around in the sunshine.
A very easy project, although it looks amazing when finished. Just some bowls, some water and some pretty flowers and all your friends and family will think you are very clever.
What We Need To Make A Flower Ice Bowl
- 2 round bowls that fit inside each other, the gap must be at least 2cms or three quarters of an inch
- Jug of water
- Some pretty flowers
- Something heavy like a stone to weigh down the bowl
Let's Start Making Our Flower Ice Bowl
Step One
This project is about having fun. Remember water might be splashed around so make sure you do this project somewhere where it doesn't matter. Maybe in the sink or outside.
Get your larger bowl and pour some water into it. We only want our water to be about 2.5cms or 1 inch deep. Now pop it in the freezer until the water turns solid. This could take a few hours.
Now Add Some Flowers To Make Our Flower Ice Bowl
Step Two
Now, once the first layer of water is frozen, take it out of the freezer. Then, quickly before it melts, put the smaller bowl inside. Take some flowers and leaves and push them down the gap between the two bowls. Try and arrange them evenly.
Finish Filling The Flower Ice Bowl With Water
Step Three
Now we have a little flower arrangement between the bowls. Fill the gap with more water. If the middle bowl starts to float you can weigh it down with a rock or something heavy. Just remember we need to fit it in the freezer again.
Pour water into the gap all the way to the top. Poke down any flowers or leaves that start to pop up.
Finishing Our Flower Ice Bowl
Step Four
Now we can carefully place our bowls back into the freezer for more hours. Maybe put it on a tray and remove a shelf from the freezer if this helps.
Remember it will take a number of hours to freeze, so make this first thing in the morning if you need it later in the day.
Take it out of the freezer a quarter of an hour before you need it. This will cause some of the ice to melt slightly so the bowls will be released. If the bowls are stuck you can run some warm water over them.
And there we have it! An amazing flower ice bowl that will really impress your friends and family. And if you are having a party, make sure to invite me :)