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Antique pedal car for children, repaint or keep patina?

890 days ago • 1 likes • 1 comments • 0 votes • 0 follows
Asked by Dave Freeman | Question date:  Aug 14, 2022 | Member since:  Aug 14, 2022

Question Asked:

Hello, I have recently found this old tin metal pedal car toy at the back of my garage. I actually collected it about three years ago, just because I thought it was interesting and was going to repaint it and sell it. But now I have a grandkid and he's getting to an age where I think he really might enjoy it.

So I really want to try and restore it a little for him. I think he will have fun just running around in this little antique pedal car. I actually bought it from a neighbour's friends. I think the guy was basically just trying to get rid of it. I didn't get much history except that is was very much loved many, many years ago and has been in storage for at least a load of decade.

I thought it would be a fun little project. It really doesn't need much work as it is only a pedal car. Just really needs a good oiling and few parts straightening out. Oh and a bonnet emblem.

But the real question is, how far do I want to restore it. I'm really after any opinions on how I should paint it. My wife says I should repaint the whole thing back to perfect. But I'm not sure if I want to just make it look like a modern replica or, if the patina is really interesting. It kind of looks really cool all aged and used and feel like it tells more of an interesting story with the patina. Like a real old car that has been loved and looked after but the paintwork tells its own story.

So what do you think? I really am interested in whether I should restore the paint completely or just get it looking clean, neat and tidy and let the lad use and abuse it. I'm sure he won't mind either way.

I suppose if I paint it, I could paint it any colour I want. Maybe I should ask him what his favourite colour is and go for that.

Opinions please? I think either way it will still be a fun little antique pedal car he will really enjoy.
Restoration Pedal Car Patina Restoration Painting
Antique pedal car for children, repaint or keep patina? image one
Antique pedal car for children, repaint or keep patina? image two
Antique pedal car for children, repaint or keep patina? image three
Asked by Dave Freeman
Question date:  Aug 14, 2022
Member since:  Aug 14, 2022
Linda Headley(888 days ago)
I really like the blue, I would restore it back to original.