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We R Memory Keepers printer, print maker review?

911 days ago • 0 likes • 0 comments • 0 votes • 0 follows
Asked by Darla Donny | Question date:  Aug 10, 2022 | Member since:  Aug 10, 2022

Question Asked:

I really like the look of this cute little printer but wanted to get an honest review before maybe getting one. They are so expensive but I don't mind paying a little extra for something that is worth it.

I really like the other products that We R Memory Keepers makes. They all seem really good quality and have some thought and effort put into them. And of course are fun to play with.

My real concern is longevity. I have had loads of other printers. All big A4 printers for paper and without a doubt, they all end up getting bunged up and the endless cleaning they need is a real hassle. And printing of test pages to try and get them to work, is not much fun.

I think the problem with other printers is when you leave them for a while, I think everything sort of dries up. And then the ink is so expensive and the only way to clean them is to fire endless amounts of ink through them. They feel like a bit of a con.

So has anyone actually used the We R Memory Keepers printer for a good period of time. Would be great to know your experience with the machine.

It is super cute though and it looks like you can do loads of fun things with it. I am slightly reluctant to believe all of the marketing hype, so an honest review would be interesting. What sort of things can you print? What is the print quality like? What is the durability? How reasonably priced is the ink?

I think this is how they make money from printers. The machine is a reasonable price and then they get you with the cost of the ink. But in this case, the printer is very expensive, so hopefully the ink is not too expensive also. If it is, I'm not sure it is worth it?

It looks like a great little package and of course well presented. So would be good to get some feedback. Thanks in advance SOM fans, Darla x
Printer Printer We R Memory Keepers
We R Memory Keepers printer, print maker review? image one
We R Memory Keepers printer, print maker review? image two
Asked by Darla Donny
Question date:  Aug 10, 2022
Member since:  Aug 10, 2022