What is the best way to make a hen house?
911 days ago • 1 likes • 0 comments • 0 votes • 0 follows
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I would really like to make a hen house for my grandparents pet chickens and I was wondering if anyone has any experience making hen houses our of wood. I would like to make something which gives them a space to sit inside at night, and a space to come out in a run during the day. They do come out into the garden during the day, but it is important that they have outdoor space within their house as well. It is also important that they are warm during the winter months.
When I was 8-12 years old, I used to make hutches and runs for my aunties rabbits and guinea pigs. I did a reasonable job considering my age at the time, but I am an adult now and I would like to do a more professional job of this. I mostly used large offcuts of wood that I found in the garage, but would like to buy something more suitable from the DIY store for this project.
I would love recommendations for the best wood, nails, screws and tools to use for making a lovely home for the chickens? Any information will be really appreciated. If anyone has done anything like this, I would love to see some pictures and hear about your experiences with making it.
These are my grandparents lovely pet chickens.
When I was 8-12 years old, I used to make hutches and runs for my aunties rabbits and guinea pigs. I did a reasonable job considering my age at the time, but I am an adult now and I would like to do a more professional job of this. I mostly used large offcuts of wood that I found in the garage, but would like to buy something more suitable from the DIY store for this project.
I would love recommendations for the best wood, nails, screws and tools to use for making a lovely home for the chickens? Any information will be really appreciated. If anyone has done anything like this, I would love to see some pictures and hear about your experiences with making it.
These are my grandparents lovely pet chickens.
Pet House

Asked by Jayla Brown
Question date: Aug 14, 2022
Member since: Aug 14, 2022
Member since: Aug 14, 2022