What materials can the Cricut Maker 3 cut?
916 days ago • 1 likes • 0 comments • 0 votes • 0 follows
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I have just bought the Cricut Maker 3, I have had my eye on it for a while, but have finally decided to buy one. I read a lot of really good reviews, so I decided that it was the best cutting machine for me. I have heard that the Cricut is quite diverse in the types of materials that it can cut through.
I know that it can cut things like paper, card, vinyl and certain fabrics, but I wondered if anyone has successfully cut any other materials? And what type of fabric can it cut?
I was thinking about that rubbery, magnetic sheet material, that you can make fridge magnets out of. Does anyone have any experience cutting that?
I just want to make sure I am not going to put anything in their that might damage the machine in any way.
Also if anyone has any recommendations for any other Cricut tools, I would love to hear them. Thank you for your time.
I know that it can cut things like paper, card, vinyl and certain fabrics, but I wondered if anyone has successfully cut any other materials? And what type of fabric can it cut?
I was thinking about that rubbery, magnetic sheet material, that you can make fridge magnets out of. Does anyone have any experience cutting that?
I just want to make sure I am not going to put anything in their that might damage the machine in any way.
Also if anyone has any recommendations for any other Cricut tools, I would love to hear them. Thank you for your time.

Asked by Crysta Jones
Question date: Aug 9, 2022
Member since: Aug 9, 2022
Member since: Aug 9, 2022