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Picture of Maker Know Things! feature image 1
January 4, 2022

Maker Know Things!

Author: Mr Daniel
"Knowledge... is... everthing!"

What a simple and amazingly profound statement! And do you know who actually said that?

No... neither do I... which is shame because knowledge really is important. Especially if you are trying to make a statue, for the garden, of a six foot hedgehog in an epic battle scene with a slug, and are not sure what wood you should use.

“Knowledge is tantamount to success!”, remember who said that?

No, me neither… oh dear… this is not looking good!

Moreover, what I do know, is that there is actually only 3 different woods... in the entire world. There’s pine, oak and mahogany, that’s it!

Oh wait, balsa wood!

Did you know, there is actually only 4 different types of wood... in the entire world… WAIT! Coconut, is that a wood?

Well, I think I have proven how important knowledge is, especially if you are trying to impress people and get them to join your website. Step in the Maker’s Database! A wonderful resource to start working on improving your knowledge. If you’re a person who needs a little more education.

On the Society of Makers I hope to make a fun place where people can ask making-related questions. But also, maybe more importantly, if you do know something, you can easily add your specialist knowledge into our database. So others can easily feast on your yummy chunks of brain wisdom. Oh goodness, please forget your just read that. That’s a good example of terrible knowledge.

Log! Damn it… is that a type of wood?

As we live in a world with exactly 5 different woods. I personally am always looking to improve my knowledge, mostly of hedgehog statues, and can’t wait to see what smart nuggets will plop into my website holes.

Knowledge makes you feel a hungry pancake frog!
Maker Know Things! picture

Oh goodness! I think I might not be right person to ask about the wood count. So don’t quote me on that. But hopefully, a wood-ologist will chop in with a slightly more expert opinion. And splurge their knowledge vomit all over my interweb pages.

To sum up this lecture… I want the Maker’s Database to be a fun place to share the secrets of your trade and any hints and tips, about making things, you might have accumulated.

And in closing, one last fun fact. Did you know who said, “Knowing stuff, makes doing stuff easier?”

Me, I literally just said it, as I am sitting at my kitchen table writing this rubbish on my computer. I literally just said it out load and scared the neighbour’s cat. So you can tell people this quote and say it came from the Maker’s Database, and shout it even louder if you want to shoo away a local moggy of your own.

Right, I’m off to make my six foot hedgehog out of cork… OH NO!!! Is cork a wood?

For goodness sake, if you know more than me… breath your mind burps all over my database and let others learn from their factual fragrances.

That's all,

Image explaining Maker Know Things!